Appointment Schedules and Details

Looking to schedule an appointment with Sawgrass Veterinary Cardiology! Here’s some helpful step by step information on how our appointments work.

How to Schedule Your Pet’s Appointment

Your pet has been referred for a cardiac evaluation with Sawgrass Veterinary Cardiology. Please call 954-487-8357 to schedule your appointment at one of our three convenient locations. Currently we keep office hours in Jupiter, Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood.

What Will Happen at My Appointment?

After reviewing a detailed history patients will undergo a complete cardiovascular physical examination. Any diagnostic testing performed by your primary care veterinarian will also be reviewed. Then an individualized diagnostic plan will be discussed, and an estimate of cost will be provided. At the end of the appointment, once all diagnostic testing is completed, you will be provided with a diagnosis of your pet’s cardiac issues and a suggested, individualized treatment plan.

Preparing for my Pet’s Appointment

  • Please withhold food for 12 hours prior to the appointment. You may still provide water. Please speak with your veterinarian if your pet has a medical reason such as diabetes, which would require them to be fed. If you accidentally feed you pet we may not be able to perform any procedures that require sedation.
  • Medications should be given on time as previously prescribed by your primary care veterinarian.
  • Medications can be given with a small amount of food if needed but do not provide a full meal.
  • Please bring a list of all medications including supplements to your appointment
  • Please bring any copies of any diagnostic tests performed (ECG, X-Ray, Lab Test) as well as recent medical records provided to you by your Primary Care Veterinarian.

Frequently Asked Questions

What diagnostic tests will be performed?

Most likely your pet will be receiving an echocardiogram which is an ultrasound examination of the heart. Ultrasound is a technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to visualize the chambers of the heart as well as the heart valves to help diagnosis heart disease in dogs and cats. Often an ECG, radiographs, and/or lab tests may also be indicated and recommended.

Who will perform the echocardiogram?

Dr. Carpenter, a board-certified Specialist in Cardiology and the owner of Sawgrass Veterinary Cardiology, will perform the evaluation.

Will my pet need to shaved?

We are able to obtain excellent diagnostic images without shaving in 99% of cases. In the unlikely event that we do need to shave the area it is often a small 1-3 inch square

How long will the appointment take?

Most appointments will take approximately 1 hour.

Who will review the results with me?

The cardiologist that performed the evaluation will thoroughly go over every aspect of the case with you prior to your pet being discharged or further treatments being done.

For an Appointment, Please Call 954-487-8357